Before You Go and For Dad

This week’s Poet’s Corner contributions are from Tania Leiman.

Jan 23, 2025, updated Jan 23, 2025
Before You Go and For Dad

Before You Go


And so we sit


in the swing chair

gently rocking


staying longer


the final rays of sun


the light softly



and we don’t

say the things we could say

about the future.



For Dad


You’re smaller now

than when we were little

when you lifted us up


hoisting us to your shoulders


And you ran, rode, built things, knew things, did things.


Now we lift you


gently, carefully, feeling your fragile bones


You led us on extraordinary adventures

scaling mountains,

hiking through forests, swimming in hidden water holes,

pitching flapping tents in oleander strewn sandhills.


Now we push you

gently, carefully

as you navigate this new expedition

its final steepest ascent


Tania Leiman is Dean of Law at Flinders University. She writes poetry to distil experiences, to slow, to breathe and to connect with the natural world.

Readers’ original and unpublished poems of up to 40 lines can be emailed, with postal address, to [email protected]. Submissions should be in the body of the email, not as attachments. A poetry book will be awarded to each accepted contributor.