About InReview

About InReview

InReview is a unique non-profit arts journalism project designed to nurture professional arts reviewing in Australia, particularly for areas in which the practice is under threat.

The project originated in South Australia and has expanded to Queensland, with a focus on local arts and culture reviewing and journalism.

InReview grew out of our concern about the ongoing decline of local journalism, with specialist areas like arts reviewing under particular pressure. We believe that professional and rigorous reviewing is a crucial part of cultural practice, helping artists and arts companies to be the best they can be.

InReview publishes free-to-access reviews and journalism every week for the benefit of the arts sector, audiences and the community, covering the full breadth of arts and culture practices.

The project is run by the non-profit Australian Reviewers and Critics Fund, with donations auspiced through the Australian Cultural fund.

InReview is funded by grants, philanthropically-minded individuals and reader donations. Solstice Media, a South Australian-owned publishing company that originated the InReview concept, also provides in-kind support.

Since launching in February 2021, we have published hundreds of pieces of original critique and journalism enjoyed by more than 60,000 readers each month. More than 45 professional writers have been fairly paid for their expert contributions to InReview.

We are also encouraging a new generation of arts reviewers, through several mentorship programs.

Our staff

Arts Editor (South Australia), Walter Marsh

Arts Editor (Queensland), Phil Brown

Director of Philanthropy (South Australia, Queensland), Sarah Killey

Our board

Alan Young AM

Tracey Whiting AM

Paul Hamra