City of Charles Sturt networking event

Tamara Hagger, Dana Cuch and Betty Bouras

City of Charles Sturt networking event

The City of Charles Sturt hosted its end-of-year “Western Business Leaders” networking event at Shapeshifter Brewing Co in Findon.

Lucy Wang, Selma Barlow and Tania Paola
1/8Lucy Wang, Selma Barlow and Tania Paola
Jessica Clark and Adam Peach
2/8Jessica Clark and Adam Peach
Tamara Hagger, Dana Cuch and Betty Bouras
3/8Tamara Hagger, Dana Cuch and Betty Bouras
Melanie Flintoft and Yolana del Valle-Buetefuer
4/8Melanie Flintoft and Yolana del Valle-Buetefuer
Sonya Mewett and Lyn Duerden
5/8Sonya Mewett and Lyn Duerden
Carey Hauri and Sue Bromley
6/8Carey Hauri and Sue Bromley
Dan Orr and Nina Bau
7/8Dan Orr and Nina Bau
Tobie Herbert and Leath Margrie
8/8Tobie Herbert and Leath Margrie