Spoil Mum with a one-year subscription to SALIFE, starting with the May issue, and a bouquet of flowers from Tony & Marks Fresh Stems with a limited edition SALIFE tote bag – all delivered in time for Mother’s Day.
Purchase your gift package by midday on Tuesday 7 May to ensure delivery prior to Mother’s Day. No orders after this time will be accepted.
The gift package will be delivered from Wednesday 8 May to Friday 10 May 2025, subject to availability.
Please ensure you select a subscription length and then the subscription selection.
Already bought a gift subscription and want to upgrade it to include the flowers and bag? Just call us on 0413 955 234 during 9:00am-4:30pm on Mon-Fri and we’ll happily arrange! Or email us at [email protected] and we’ll call you back when we can.
Delivery Policy
Subscriptions will be delivered to your specified Australian address within the specified delivery zones starting with the May 2025 issue. No international deliveries.
The gift package will be delivered between Wednesday, May 8 and Friday, May 10 2025 subject to availability. If no one is home or there is no safe place to leave the package, the magazine will be left in the letterbox along with details on how to collect the flowers.
Refund Policy
Should you receive any defective hard copy magazine or product from Solstice Media we will supply you with a replacement version at no cost. If no replacement version is available we will refund your money.
Gift Subscriptions
A letter will be delivered to the gift recipient with the May 2025 issue.
Delivery Zones
Adelaide | A |
Adelaide Airport | A |
Allenby Gardens | A |
Ashford | A |
Beverley | A |
Bowden | A |
Brompton | A |
Brooklyn Park | A |
Findon | A |
Fitzroy | A |
Flinders Park | A |
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Fulham Gardens | A |
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Medindie | A |
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Athol Park | B |
Beulah Park | B |
Black Forest | B |
Blair Athol | B |
Broadview | B |
Camden Park | B |
Cheltenham | B |
Clarence Gardens | B |
Clarence Park | B |
Ferryden Park | B |
Firle | B |
Frewville | B |
Fullarton | B |
Gilberton | B |
Glandore | B |
Glenelg | B |
Glenelg East | B |
Glenelg North | B |
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Glenside | B |
Glenunga | B |
Glynde | B |
Goodwood | B |
Grange | B |
Greenacres | B |
Hackney | B |
Hampstead Gardens | B |
Hawthorn | B |
Lower Mitcham | B |
Malvern | B |
Manningham | B |
Mansfield Park | B |
Marden | B |
Marryatville | B |
Maylands | B |
Medindie Gardens | B |
Melrose Park | B |
Millswood | B |
Morphettville | B |
Myrtle Bank | B |
Nailsworth | B |
Netherby | B |
Rose Park | B |
Rosewater | B |
Rosewater East | B |
Royal Park | B |
Royston Park | B |
Seaton | B |
South Plympton | B |
St Clair | B |
St Georges | B |
St Morris | B |
St Peters | B |
Stepney | B |
Woodville | B |
Woodville Gardens | B |
Woodville North | B |
Woodville West | B |
Heathpool | B |
Hendon | B |
Henley Beach South | B |
Highgate | B |
Ottoway | B |
College Park | B |
Collinswood | B |
Croydon Park | B |
Dulwich | B |
Felixstow | B |
Kensington | B |
Kensington Park | B |
Kent Town | B |
Kilburn | B |
Kings Park | B |
Kingswood | B |
Klemzig | B |
Novar Gardens | B |
Parkside | B |
Plympton Park | B |
Vale Park | B |
West Lakes | B |
Westbourne Park | B |
Cumberland Park | B |
Daw Park | B |
Dudley Park | B |
Eastwood | B |
Enfield | B |
Evandale | B |
Henley Beach | B |
Hyde Park | B |
Joslin | B |
Norwood | B |
Prospect | B |
Queenstown | B |
Tusmore | B |
Unley | B |
Unley Park | B |
Walkerville | B |
West Beach | B |
Clearview | B |
Edwardstown | B |
Kilkenny | B |
Leabrook | B |
Linden Park | B |
Toorak Gardens | B |
Torrens Park | B |
Wingfield | B |
Colonel Light Gardens | B |
Park Holme | B |
Plympton | B |
Trinity Gardens | B |
Lightsview | B |
Payneham | B |
Pennington | B |
Regency Park | B |
Payneham South | B |
Auldana | C |
Beaumont | C |
Bedford Park | C |
Birkenhead | C |
Blackwood | C |
Brighton | C |
Brown Hill Creek | C |
Burnside | C |
Campbelltown | C |
Cavan | C |
Clapham | C |
Flinders University | C |
Gepps Cross | C |
Gilles Plains | C |
Gillman | C |
Glanville | C |
Glen Osmond | C |
Glenalta | C |
Greenhill | C |
Lynton | C |
Magill | C |
Marion | C |
Mawson Lakes | C |
Mitcham | C |
Mitchell Park | C |
Mount Osmond | C |
New Port | C |
Newton | C |
North Brighton | C |
Northfield | C |
Rosslyn Park | C |
Rostrevor | C |
Seacliff | C |
Seacombe Gardens | C |
Seacombe Heights | C |
Semaphore | C |
Semaphore Park | C |
Semaphore South | C |
Skye | C |
Somerton Park | C |
South Brighton | C |
Springfield | C |
St Marys | C |
Stonyfell | C |
Woodforde | C |
Clovelly Park | C |
Dry Creek | C |
Hazelwood Park | C |
Panorama | C |
Dover Gardens | C |
Eden Hills | C |
Ethelton | C |
Hawthorndene | C |
Hove | C |
Ingle Farm | C |
Kensington Gardens | C |
Northgate | C |
Oakden | C |
Oaklands Park | C |
Pooraka | C |
Windsor Gardens | C |
Dernancourt | C |
Exeter | C |
Largs Bay | C |
Para Vista | C |
Warradale | C |
Wattle Park | C |
Hectorville | C |
Paradise | C |
Sturt | C |
Valley View | C |
Walkley Heights | C |
Erindale | C |
Kingston Park | C |
Tonsley | C |
Tranmere | C |
West Lakes Shore | C |
Darlington | C |
Leawood Gardens | C |
Peterhead | C |
Warradale North | C |
Waterfall Gully | C |
Pasadena | C |
Port Adelaide | C |
Urrbrae | C |
Hillcrest | C |
Holden Hill | C |
Aberfoyle Park | D |
Athelstone | D |
Belair | D |
Bellevue Heights | D |
Bolivar | D |
Brahma Lodge | D |
Flagstaff Hill | D |
Globe Derby Park | D |
Green Fields | D |
Gulfview Heights | D |
Hallett Cove | D |
Happy Valley | D |
Marino | D |
Modbury | D |
Modbury Heights | D |
Modbury North | D |
Montacute | D |
North Haven | D |
Ridgehaven | D |
Salisbury Downs | D |
Salisbury East | D |
Salisbury South | D |
Seacliff Park | D |
Seaview Downs | D |
Sefton Park | D |
Sheidow Park | D |
St Agnes | D |
Stirling | D |
Cleland | D |
Coromandel Valley | D |
Highbury | D |
Summertown | D |
Crafers | D |
Craigburn Farm | D |
Para Hills | D |
Taperoo | D |
Tea Tree Gully | D |
Hope Valley | D |
Norton Summit | D |
Osborne | D |
Para Hills West | D |
Teringie | D |
Vista | D |
O’Halloran Hill | D |
Parafield | D |
Parafield Gardens | D |
Paralowie | D |
Trott Park | D |
Largs North | D |
Wynn Vale | D |
Crafers West | D |
Piccadilly | D |
Redwood Park | D |
Upper Sturt | D |
Uraidla | D |
Aldgate | E |
Banksia Park | E |
Bridgewater | E |
Burton | E |
Golden Grove | E |
Greenwith | E |
Morphett Vale | E |
Mylor | E |
Salisbury | E |
Salisbury Heights | E |
Salisbury North | E |
Salisbury Park | E |
Salisbury Plain | E |
St Kilda | E |
Woodcroft | E |
Elizabeth South | E |
Old Reynella | E |
Reynella East | E |
Fairview Park | E |
Heathfield | E |
Lonsdale | E |
Outer Harbor | E |
Surrey Downs | E |
Elizabeth Grove | E |
Elizabeth Vale | E |
Ironbank | E |
Yatala Vale | E |
Direk | E |
Reynella | E |
Waterloo Corner | E |
Longwood | E |
Andrews Farm | F |
Angle Vale | F |
Balhannah | F |
Blakeview | F |
Christie Downs | F |
Christies Beach | F |
Hackham | F |
Hackham West | F |
Hahndorf | F |
Mount Barker Junction | F |
Munno Para | F |
Munno Para Downs | F |
Munno Para West | F |
Noarlunga Centre | F |
Noarlunga Downs | F |
Seaford | F |
Seaford Heights | F |
Seaford Meadows | F |
Smithfield | F |
Smithfield Plains | F |
Smithfield West | F |
Woodside | F |
Craigmore | F |
Elizabeth | F |
Elizabeth Park | F |
Paechtown | F |
Port Noarlunga South | F |
Elizabeth North | F |
Hillbank | F |
Littlehampton | F |
Oakbank | F |
Onkaparinga Hills | F |
O’Sullivan Beach | F |
Port Noarlunga | F |
Huntfield Heights | F |
Inverbrackie | F |
Old Noarlunga | F |
Penfield Gardens | F |
Virginia | F |
Elizabeth Downs | F |
Verdun | F |
Davoren Park | F |
Elizabeth East | F |
Totness | F |
Edinburgh | F |
Lenswood | F |
Upper Hermitage | F |
Edinburgh North | F |
Penfield | F |
Blakiston | G |
Charleston | G |
Mount Barker | G |
Nairne | G |
Seaford Rise | G |
Evanston Park | G |
Lewiston | G |
Kudla | G |
Evanston South | G |
Evanston Gardens | G |
Gawler | H |
Gawler East | H |
Gawler South | H |
Gawler West | H |
Harrogate | I |
Mount Barker Springs | I |
Mount Barker Summit | I |
Reid | I |
Willamston | I |
Evanston | I |
Wistow | I |
Hewett | I |