Forgive me for stating the bleeding obvious but perhaps if ACC actually started watering and curating what they already have the city and surrounds would be much more welcoming. Millions can be found for bicycle paths but not for water it seems. – Andrew from Prospect
Wow! The Crows levelled the big trees at Thebby Oval just in time! Coincidence? – James Rock
What happened to ‘taking the legs’ rule and how is Archer’s knee? I didn’t hear/see one of the several footy shows we have now cover either of those points. – Tony Mangan
Looking at this photo, and from my observations when driving through new developments, the trend is for most roofs to be black or dark grey. Houses overheat so much in summertime, cause homes to be hotboxes, and elevate power usage with air conditioning. Councils need to consider this carefully when approving building applications. – Diana Jaquillard
Very good media piece Simon. Well timed, based in clear and relevant facts, positive and encouraging in focus, no room for rational opposing arguments or counterproductive ‘who to blame’ distractions. My thanks to you and the members of the Leadership Coalition for your ongoing work. – Daniel Haller
It is shameful that InDaily chose to support this trivial pro-Israel story on the day that Israel killed over 400 Palestinians. The genocide has resumed on a massive scale because Israel’s ceasefire violations and blockade of humanitarian aid was not enough to appease the Zionists and extremists, and Netanyahu had to avoid a day in court, so he bombed Gazans at 2am, with Trump’s green-light.
Meantime InDaily pours fuel on racial tensions by helping this Israeli troll Max Veifer and the pro-Israel lobby keep playing their “victim card”. Israelis like him are making Jews unsafe in Australia, whilst the IDF bombs the crap out of an area one-third the size of Adelaide with twice the population. They’re the victims?
The reason why “antisemitism” has increased is because media outlets are too dumb, too corrupted, or too cowered to understand that an expression of anti-genocide, anti-Zionist, anti-Israeli, anti-apartheid, and anti-racist is being conflated and deemed to be “antisemitic”. This is despite JEWS being amongst the strongest voices for peace. – John Gransbury
I have three or four leaf blowers that I picked up from the side of the road or been given. I have always considered that blowing leaves from one place to another so that the wind can blow them all back again is a sign of very little (or no) intelligence. But I do like the idea of switching to the vacuum mode and then emptying said leaves into a suitable container for disposal, a very good idea. – Peter Murph
I hope other council areas and the state government take note and do a metropolitan-wide review. If Adelaide and its suburbs inspire to be a pedestrian and cycle-friendly city, then why don’t all crossings have auto-demand functions? Getting to an intersection seconds after a light change and knowing you would have been able to cross but now have to wait a whole cycle, just because the button wasn’t pushed, is incredibly frustrating as a pedestrian/cyclist! – David Weygandt
Wonderful succinct article. I’m fortunate to live in Junction housing. Their motto is “where our tenants thrive”. – S.Grdosic