Your Views: Frome Road vision | Musk over Kanyini | Golf fees | Dead poets

Mar 07, 2025, updated Mar 07, 2025
Photo: South Australian Space Industry Centre
Photo: South Australian Space Industry Centre

Responding to A better image of our city

This rationalisation for the destruction of Frome Road as an effective road corridor for the benefit of a vocal minority is not supported by many residents and other users. It responds to the mantra of a minority and is an accident waiting to happen. The same sort of traffic restructure is proposed for O’Connell Street North Adelaide and is similarly not supported by those who use these roads every day. God knows where this lunacy is coming from and why but it’s not good enough and those responsible need to be held to account and have to stop. People need to speak up and call this out, otherwise their apathy will be rewarded with outcomes like Frome Road today.  – Danny Farrugia

Beautifully said. The completion of the North-South bikeway is fabulous, and as Daniel pointed out, the disappearance of a traffic lane is largely illusory. We have a city that is perfectly suited to cycling and walking, which one may notice whenever streets such as Hindley or Rundle are blocked off for events. Build it, and they will come. – Jon Holbrook

Daniel Bennett’s advocacy for favouring better facilities for walking and cycling on Frome Road over driving cars along it is welcome. I’m not sure whether he is advocating for it to be closed to cars. Daniel said:” The walking experience cannot be underrated”. I think that he intended to say: The walking experience cannot be overrated”. – Oliver Frank

I use Frome Road frequently during the week, and the recent changes have been poorly designed. The bike lane now has sections where bus stops cut across it, creating conflicts with buses and passengers. It also alternates between the road and the footpath, making the ride inconsistent and potentially unsafe.

At North Terrace, the left-turn lane for cars significantly disrupts traffic flow during peak hours. A better approach might have been to improve the footpath for cycling – given the steep gradient, cyclists can’t travel that fast anyway – and synchronize the traffic lights so that bikes can proceed when safe, rather than waiting unnecessarily at frequent red lights.

Heading toward North Adelaide at the Lot 14 intersection, the green bike signal is obscured by a tree when the car light is red, making it difficult to see.

Frome and Kintore avenues are the only routes to turn right onto North Terrace until Port Road, making safe and efficient design even more critical. – Franz Knoll

Respondoing to South Australia seen from space: First images from Kanyini satellite

Kanyini satellite was not mentioned at the  Australian Space Discovery Centre public lecture on 27 February 2024. Instead we received a film of a Space X satellite and the information that the data recorded is privately owned by Elon Musk and we did not know the Australian Government connection to this. – Janet Malone

Responding to SA battle lines drawn even before federal election called

Has anyone fact checked the Premier? Certainly not you unless you consider the number of Liberal pamphlets you suddenly receive as relevant somehow. – Ian Peters

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Responding to The Crown & Anchor’s temporary home revealed

The Crown & Anchor was my home in the late 1950s when it serviced the East End Market. I still have happy memories. Used to open the bar at 5am and close at 6pm. – Ray Grimshaw

Responding to Lord Mayor tees off LIV Golf negotiations

Surely as with any government project the SA government would need to go put to tender on golf course design just like going to tender on architectural or urban design projects. I am a golf course architect and member of the Society of Australian Golf Course Architects working on some of the finest golf courses in  Australia and overseas.

I would hope the SA government remains open and transparent throughout the process.  They don’t have to pay over $1million in design fees as usually charged by Greg Norman when other golf course architects are proven to do far better work for much less in fees. – Harley Kruse 

We all look forward to the plans and drawings and lease details… – John Bridgland

Responding to ‘People crave stories’: Why Adelaide Writers’ Week’s latest chapter is a Podfest

Adelaide Writers’ Week’s latest chapter may well be a podfest but where have the poets gone at this year’s Writers’ Week? I note plenty of TV celebrities, but there’s hardly a poet to be seen. The few poets on the program are involved in discussion panels but not poetry. Nor are there any poetry books in the book tent.

I remember better times when there was an annual group poetry reading and mainstage presentations by international poets such as Seamus Heaney and Sharon Olds and Australian poets like Les Murray and Dorothy Porter. All of that seems to have quietly disappeared.

Is it because poetry is a poor cousin when it comes to book sales and everything is now driven by marketing? Or is it simply the preference of the current director and committee? Bring back the poets please. – Mike Ladd

Responding to INSIDER: Lord Mayor is brat? | Trev desecrates a Rundle Mall icon | A stinging trade mark search

This was elite journalism and I loved it 🙂 – Wade M
