Premier Peter Malinauskas revealed changes to his cabinet following the resignation of the Member for Kavel Dan Cregan, with the Autism portfolio being added for the first time.
Premier Peter Malinauksas this morning revealed his new cabinet at a swearing-in ceremony led by Governor Frances Adamson at Government House.
The cabinet reshuffle was prompted by the retirement of Dan Cregan MP from politics, who cited “pressing family matters” for his departure.
Five new cabinet positions were announced, with the Autism portfolio being elevated to cabinet. Additionally, the Minister of Police was elevated to a senior cabinet position, while a new portfolio, Assistant Minister for Artificial Intelligence and the Digital Economy, was also added.
All other cabinet positions will remain the same.
“I’m very grateful for Government House today accommodating us at relatively short notice given the unexpected nature of Dan Cregan’s resignation, but nonetheless, the government is well positioned to be able to respond on the front foot to this opportunity and make the most of it, and first and foremost, we’ve been able to elevate a brand new minister to the cabinet,” said Premier Malinauskas.
“I think there’s one presiding theme that you see emerge from this whole exercise and that is that this is a stable government. No blues about who’s going to become the minister, the party united around the elevation of Emily and Michael, and a willingness to engage with me in portfolio allocations in a really thoughtful way.”
Emily Bourke MLC has been promoted to cabinet after serving as an Assistant Minister for just under three years.
Bourke takes on the portfolios of Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services and Minister for Recreation, Sport and Racing.
Premier Malinauskas said a priority of Bourke’s role as Minister for Emergency Services and Correctional Services would be reducing reoffending, especially among Indigenous prisoners.
“In the corrections area, I’ve made clear to Emily that it’s my expectation of this government’s ambition that we continue to lead the country when it comes to reducing reoffending,” said Premier Malinauskas.
Bourke also takes on the position of Minister for Autism, which has been elevated to a cabinet position, and will also join the Executive Council.
“In respect to the autism element, it was a genuine world-first when we identified the need to have a specialist function within the executive of government dedicated towards reform and improvement of services of people with autism, particularly young people and we gave her that assistant minister responsibility,” said Premier Malinauskas.
“Elevating it to being a cabinet position is something that I think is a bit of a no-brainer and hopefully means a lot to the autistic and also the neurodiverse community around the state.”
Premier Malinauskas said Bourke will be responsible for delivering the state’s Autism Strategy 2024-2029, which was launched last year.
Bourke takes the sports portfolio from Katrine Hildyard MP, who retains her other portfolios.
Malinauskas said the portfolio was handed to Bourke so Hildyard could focus on the state government’s ongoing Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in her role as Minister for Women and the Prevention of Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence.
Member for Lee Stephen Mullighan will take on the additional portfolio of Minister for Police.
Premier Malinauskas said the elevation of the Minister of Police to a senior cabinet position would allow the government to recruit more frontline police officers and Protective Service Officers, as well as prioritising community safety.
“We want to tackle any challenge that may present itself around community safety and I take a lot of confidence knowing that this portfolio responsibility stands alone with the Treasurer of the state to make sure it’s front of mind and any key decisions in and around the budget,” said Premier Malinauskas.
“We’ve seen youth offending increase in other parts of the country. While we have challenges here in South Australia, we’re nothing like that in the state and we want to keep it that way.”
Mullighan will retain his cabinet positions as Treasurer and Minister of Defence and Space Industries, as well as remaining a member of the Executive Council.
Kyam Maher MLC will add Special Minister of State to his existing portfolios.
In this role, Maher will be responsible for elector matters, electoral commissioner, parliamentary resources (Electorate Services) and implementing South Australia’s donation reform.
“We were able to pass through the parliament probably one of the most substantial pieces of reform to how we fund elections that the world has ever seen…but I don’t think we should see that as the end,” said Premier Malinauskas.
“We’ve seen globally a sense of frustration or an increasing degree of apathy within the political process and towards politics more broadly, and I think that invites change. I think that invites reform.
“I think here in South Australia we’ve acknowledged that reform to our democracy and the way we conduct ourselves has to be an ongoing effort – you can’t just say, ‘We’ve achieved something’ and put your feet up.
“We’re retaining the Special Minister of State portfolio and allocating it towards the Attorney-General, which makes sense given that he has responsibility around other pieces of legislation in any event.”
Maher will retain his existing portfolios of Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, Attorney-General, Minister for Industrial Relations and Public Sector, as well as being a member of the Executive Council and Leader of Government Business in the Legislative Council.
Member for Florey Michael Brown has been appointed as Assistant Minister to the Premier for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy.
Premier Malinauskas said this new role would focus on growing AI-related industries in South Australia.
“Michael has already been active in this area. He led a parliamentary inquiry in this regard that is already resulting in legislative change,” said Premier Malinauksas.
“He has a great familiarity, though not just with the challenges associated with these new technologies, but more importantly, the opportunities that come with it.”
This story has been updated with additional information.