Which festival food are you?

Mar 13, 2025, updated Mar 13, 2025

A festival outing wouldn’t be complete without a stop at a food truck in The Garden of Unearthly Delights or Gluttony. We did some rigorous personality analysis to determine which festival feed you’re most aligned with. Take our quiz and eat up!

Savoury or sweet?
You're at a restaurant with friends, are you ordering...
On a night out, who's the designated driver?
Someone drank too much at the party. Are you...
You're throwing a party, how many people are invited?
You're at an event and you don't know anyone. Do you...
You're planning a group holiday, are you...
You're about to go out, but you have nothing to wear. Do you...
The group wants to do karaoke but you can't be bothered. Do you...
The group chat wants to go to a restaurant your ex works at...
You're at a concert and your favourite song is playing. Do you...

Cardi B Burger

Cardi B Burger from Gang Gang
Like Gang Gang's signature chicken burger, you're a classic. You know what you like and you stick to it. In a world full of trends, you're timeless.
Reliable. Well-loved. Punctual.

Katsu sando

Katsu sando from Sookii La La
You're a crowd-pleaser, just like Sookii La La's sando. You're generous (much like the portion size) and a little messy, but that's half of your charm.
Giving. Unpredictable. Friendly.

Chip on a stick

Chip on a stick from Twisted Potato
Forgive us for calling you out like this, but you're a little crazy. You're a big personality, and you tend to spiral out of control (we're proud of that one).
Wild. Partygoer. Liability.


Dumplings from Phat Head
You come in many forms, and we love them all. You're the life of the party and there's plenty of your extroverted personality to go around.
Popular. Adaptable. Loveable.

Bao buns

Bao from Bao Plus
Did somebody say "codependent"? You and your bestie/S.O. are stuck (literally) to each other, always seen in tandem. Very cute of you.
Softie. Perky. Whipped.

Chocolate strawberries

Chocolate strawberries from Chocolate and Co
Quick is your middle name. You're a no-fuss kind of person, always on-the-go. Like this classic pairing, you keep it simple but don't mind splurging every now and then.
Indulgent. Gossip. Seductive.


Crepes from La French Crepes
You're mostly sweet but this isn't always the case. You're most likely a fire sign, with a killer skin care routine.
Cutesy. Hot-headed. Passionate.


Gelato from Gelatissimo
You're a people pleaser but are prone to meltdowns. You could be the main character, or whatever anyone wants you to be. No matter what, you're always invited.
Emotional. Indecisive. Charming.

Hot jam-filled donuts

Hot jam-filled donuts from Donut Diner
You've got heart, kid. It's what's on the inside that counts, but your outsied's pretty cute too. You're most likely to get ready for the party in five minutes.
Carefree. Old soul. Genuine.

Mochi donut

Mochi donut from Shibui
Most likely to say you're five minutes away when you haven't left the house yet. You're always the centre of attention and love a photo op. Your phone eats before you do.
Extra. High-maintenance. Chic.

Want more of a guide to Adelaide Fringe’s foodie scene? Check out all the best places to grab a bite this Fringe.